Join us for the musical activation of Simone Fattal's exhibition "Jack, 1971"

Three acts on strings will resonate with the figure of "Jack" in a live musical performance by:

- Maxime Hourani + Elyse Tabet: Strings and Modular Synthesizers

- Nadia Daou (NÂR): Guitar and Electronics

- Fadi Tabbal: Guitar and Electronics

Excerpt from the exhibition text :

"Each one of us took a musician, with Jack, the guitarist, staying with me. But the musicians also took us into an enchanted world filled with a valley with old trees, boulders, and a stream that all hippies knew, but we, the Lebanese, did not.

Together, we slept nights in the open air.

Jack stayed a while, playing all day, while I made quite a lot of drawings of him playing, sometimes trying to convey the music..."