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Double Feature: Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo" and Jalal Toufic's "Vertiginous Variations on Vertigo"

6 March 2018 - 6 March 2018

When the Library Was Stolen: Book Launch and Public Talk by Fehras Publishing Practices

01 Mar 2018 - 01 Mar 2018

The Urban Re-Construction of Space under the Mamluks: Public Talk by Howayda Al-Harithy

19 Feb 2018 - 19 Feb 2018

Violence and Vision: Public Talk by Sami Khatib

19 Jan 2018 - 19 Jan 2018

Misguided Eyes: Public Talk by Natascha Sadr Haghighian

18 Jan 2018 - 18 Jan 2018

Odarodle - an imaginary their_story of naturepeoples, 1535-2017: Public Talk by Ashkan Sepahvand

11 Jan 2018 - 11 Jan 2018

What is the Sum of a Son and a Son - In a Dream?: Public Talk by Jalal Toufic

14 Dec 2017 - 14 Dec 2017

لقاء مع العالم الآخر على مقهى الكونتنتال - عن مكان الكاتب ومكان الكتابة

12 Dec 2017 - 12 Dec 2017

Sharjah Biennial 13 (SB13), Tamawuj

14 Oct 2017 - 22 Oct 2017

Sharjah Biennial 13 (SB13), Tamawuj

14 Oct 2017 - 22 Oct 2017

Sharjah Biennial 13: Tamawuj

14 Oct 2017 - 22 Oct 2017

Sharjah Biennial 13 (SB13), Tamawuj ACT II

14 Oct 2017 - 22 Oct 2017

Open Studios: HWP 2016-17

12 Jul 2017 - 15 Jul 2017

Writing vs. Predicting: Public Talk by Elie Ayache

08 Jun 2017 - 08 Jun 2017

Semiotic and Financial Globalization: Public Talk by Ana Teixeira Pinto

01 Jun 2017 - 01 Jun 2017

Metahaven, Recent Work: Public Talk

24 May 2017 - 24 May 2017

Financialization: with Sami Khatib, Ana Texeira Pinto, Ray Brassier, and Elie Ayache

16 May 2017 - 9 June 2017

Desire, Delirium and Productive Misunderstandings - A screening of films by Ulrike Ottinger

18 April 2017 - 25 April 2017

What Must Art Become to Advance a Left Postneoliberalism?: Public Talk by Suhail Malik

30 Mar 2017 - 30 Mar 2017

Trace Evidence: Screening and Public Talk by Susan Schuppli

24 Mar 2017 - 24 Mar 2017