Sharjah Biennial 13 (SB13), Tamawuj

«تماوج»: بينالي الشارقة الثالث عشر

Sharjah Biennial 13 (SB13), Tamawuj ACT II

«الفصل الثاني» من بينالي الشارقة الثالث عشر

Open Studios: HWP 2016-17

Writing vs. Predicting: Public Talk by Elie Ayache

Semiotic and Financial Globalization: Public Talk by Ana Teixeira Pinto

Metahaven, Recent Work: Public Talk

Financialization: with Sami Khatib, Ana Texeira Pinto, Ray Brassier, and Elie Ayache

Desire, Delirium and Productive Misunderstandings - A screening of films by Ulrike Ottinger

What Must Art Become to Advance a Left Postneoliberalism?: Public Talk by Suhail Malik

Trace Evidence: Screening and Public Talk by Susan Schuppli

Extrastatecraft: Public Talk by Keller Easterling

Technologies, Life and the Future

Histories of the Artist with Tildar Zolghadr, Walid Sadek, and Kristine Khouri

The Artist as Quarry, Creep, or Best Case Scenario: Public Talk by Tirdad Zolghadr

Xenofeminism in Alien Time: Public Talk by Diann Bauer