Wormholes Electric: Audio-visual Performance

A World Not Ours

Love Letters to a Union: Lecture-performance by Lara Khaldi and Yazan Khalili

One Hundred Thousand Solitudes: Talk by Tony Chakar

Intimacy: Theater Performance by Omar Abu Saada and Mohammad Al Attar

Songs: Music Performance by Chris Votek and Julia Holter

98weeks | SpeakWriteRadio

98weeks | How to Be in the Future

98weeks | After the Future: Heritage Redux

Sous Leurs Pieds Le Paradis: Dance Performance by Radhouane El Meddeb

98weeks | On the Politics of Silence & Speech

In Praise of Rootlessness: Lecture by Reza Negarestani

Flip Book: Performance by Boris Charmatz

Public Sphere by Performance/ Yugoslavia, how ideology moved our collective body

Militant Cinema and The Adjudicating Gaze