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One Hundred Thousand Solitudes: Talk by Tony Chakar

23 May 2013 - 23 May 2013

98weeks | SpeakWriteRadio

22 May 2013 - 22 May 2013

Sous Leurs Pieds Le Paradis: Dance Performance by Radhouane El Meddeb

21 May 2013 - 22 May 2013

98weeks | After the Future: Heritage Redux

21 May 2013 - 23 May 2013

98weeks | How to Be in the Future

21 May 2013 - 21 May 2013

In Praise of Rootlessness: Lecture by Reza Negarestani

20 May 2013 - 20 May 2013

98weeks | On the Politics of Silence & Speech

20 May 2013 - 20 May 2013

Flip Book: Performance by Boris Charmatz

19 May 2013 - 20 May 2013

Militant Cinema and The Adjudicating Gaze

19 May 2013 - 19 May 2013

Public Sphere by Performance/ Yugoslavia, how ideology moved our collective body

19 May 2013 - 19 May 2013

Rwanda, Algeria - from tradition to modernity of forgiveness: Lecture by Kader Attia

18 May 2013 - 18 May 2013

City of Salt

18 May 2013 - 18 May 2013

Broken Record by Parine Jaddo

18 May 2013 - 18 May 2013

Staging a Decolonization Process: A Work of Several Parts - Lecture by Catarina Simão

18 May 2013 - 18 May 2013

98weeks | Reading the Diaries of Others

18 May 2013 - 18 May 2013

The Act of Killing by Joshua Oppenheimer

18 May 2013 - 18 May 2013

Under this Trail are Corpses: Lecture by Paola Yacoub

18 May 2013 - 18 May 2013

For the Love of God, Don’t Sell Yourself Short: Reflections on Job

17 May 2013 - 17 May 2013

33 rpm and a Few Seconds - Performance by Lina Saneh & Rabih Mroué

17 May 2013 - 18 May 2013

Have You Ever Killed a Bear? or Becoming Jamila: Lecture-Performance by Marwa Arsanios

16 May 2013 - 16 May 2013